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Updated June 2024!

General Information

We are registered for tax-free childcare. Please see gov.uk to see how it works.
Please avoid PARKING across the footpath next to pre-school and in front of our main gate.

Please don't forget easyfundraising.org.uk when doing your online shopping!

Dates for your diary

Monday 3 June:
Start of term 6

Thursday 27 June:
School Leavers Godstone Farm Trip 

Tuesday 2 July:
School leavers water fight

Thursday 11 July:
School leavers walk to Edenbridge

Monday 22 July:
Sports Day/Graduation/End of term 6

Tuesday 23 July -25 July:
Summer Club

Tuesday 29 July -01 August:
Summer Club

Weekly themes for Term 6

Week 1 - Summer
Week 2 - Under the sea / Father's Day
Week 3 - Holidays   
Week 4 - Pirates
Week 5 - Our wonderful world            
Week 6 - Ready for School
Week 7 - Sports

We provide a range of indoor and outdoor activities and learning resources based on our termly themes, but have full flexibility to make changes as we see the different needs and interests of our children.


Thank you for supporting us. We will continue to have free-flow access to indoors and outside; with the emphasis being that outdoors is safer for us all. Please continue to ensure that you send your children in with suitable clothing and footwear. As the weather gets warmer, please ensure that you send your child to pre-school with sun lotion applied and stored in their bag along with a suitable hat to wear outside.

COVID-19 Information and General Health If your child displays any of the 3 main Covid-19 symptoms, is feeling ill or is not their usual self. Please keep them at home.

Please let us know if you have changed your address and/or telephone number.

PLEASE could you let us know as soon as possible if you plan to take any holiday during term time so that we can plan accordingly. Thank you.

We have a closed Facebook group that is solely for parents.

Our emphasis is 'learning through play'. We place high value on the personal and social skills which children need in order to do well when moving on and through primary school, and we balance this with practical, creative, scientific and physical goals which help the children to achieve their full potential.

We are a committee run pre-school and new members are always welcome. Do come along to a meeting if you can and see what happens. We have six committee meetings a year and the AGM takes place annually.

Please could parents of funded children please complete the parental declaration form.

PLEASE pay any outstanding fees as soon as possible.

These can be paid online (sort code: 51-70-12, account: 78515157, surname as reference) by cheque made payable to Marsh Green Pre-school or cash. Please use your child's surname as a reference.

When your child should not attend pre-school
Illness - your child should not attend pre-school if he/she has a contagious condition which may affect other children or staff and they should not return until they are clear of the condition or have been cleared by your doctor.
Sickness - if your child has been unwell with an upset stomach they should be 48 hours clear of any symptoms before returning to pre-school.
Absences - Please notify us by telephone, text or email in the morning if your child is going to be absent from pre-school. This is now a legal requirement for all funded children. All children will need to have a completed holiday form (available from pre-school) if you plan to go away during term time.

Lunch boxes - We encourage healthy eating and so we would prefer it if you did not pack chocolate bars and crisps please. We can provide the children with milk or water and will always cut up fresh fruit for them. We would like to thank parents for supporting this and providing their children with healthy, well-balanced packed lunches.

Marsh Green Pre-School sweatshirts (£9.50), polo shirts (£9.00), t-shirts (£5.50) and baseball caps (£5) are available to purchase. Please speak to a member of staff.

Please remember ...

To provide named wellies in a named bag.

To put your child’s name in their pre-school sweatshirt/t-shirt.

We are registered to www.easyfundraising.org.uk. This is a simple way to raise funds when you shop online. Ask for details.

We are an eco-school