Q. Do you have a uniform?
A. Parents are welcome to buy our sweatshirts, t-shirts and baseball caps featuring the Marsh Green pre-school logo. We suggest that children are dressed in clothes that are easily washable and not too new to enable them to explore and experiment with all kinds of materials including messy ones!

Q. Does my child have to be potty trained before they begin at the school?
No, although we obviously prefer children to be potty trained, we do change dirty pull ups/nappies.

Q. Is there parking available near the school?
Yes, there is ample parking in front of St. John’s Church. The school is situated just behind the church.

Q. What are the security arrangements for the children whilst they are at the school?
The main entrance door is kept locked during school hours and the side access gate to the play area is securely locked for the children’s safety.
Only named persons are able to collect the children from school. Staff will not allow a child to leave the premises with an unauthorised person.

Q. How will I know how my child is progressing?
Each child has a member of staff appointed to them, known as a keyworker. The keyworker monitors and records your child’s progress throughout their time at Marsh Green. Regular meetings are held between parents and their keyworker to discuss how your child is developing.
We actively encourage parental involvement at the pre-school and parents are able to help in the group on a regular basis.

Q. What will happen if my child will not settle during the first few days?
The staff are committed to working with the parents to help your child settle into the group. This takes longer for some children than for others and parents should not feel worried if their child takes a while to feel at ease.
Children are encouraged to come for a visit prior to starting at Marsh Green to help them feel more comfortable with the new surroundings. Parents are welcome to stay during this time.

Q. Can my child bring a toy into the school with them?
Yes, we encourage the children to bring in a toy or an item of interest, usually focussed around the terms main theme or the letter of the week. However if it helps your child to feel settled then they can bring in a favourite toy from home for comfort.

Tips to help your children at home

Instead of asking “What did you do at school today?” - (the frequent answer is “nothing”!), you can ask specific questions like:
1. What fruit did you have?
2. Who handed out the biscuits?
3. What was the story today?

• You can read familiar stories and get your child to say what happens next.
• Look at books and ask them to describe what is happening in the picture.
• Sing songs together in the car rather than always listening to CDs or the radio.
• Count all the time, as a game. For example when you are out shopping you can count how many tins are in the trolley.
• Let them help you do everything at home – cooking, cleaning, gardening and describe what is happening or more importantly encourage them to!