
We are able to offer places to children aged between two and five years old. Due to sessions being in high demand at Marsh Green at present, we operate a waiting list. We take a £25 fees in advance payment to hold a place for your child to join in the future, which then can be refunded or used towards purchasing uniform when your child starts with us. 

NB our fees in advance payment is not required for children accessing a FF2 place (please speak to our manager for more information).

In the first instance, please contact our Manager - Rebecca Shipp to visit the school or to discuss your requirements on: 01732 864553 or 07811 987041 or via email on:

Please read our Admissions & Fees Policy for more information.


Our daily morning sessions start at 9:00 am and finish at 12:00 noon, there is a lunch session every day from 12-1 pm and an afternoon session Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs which runs from 1-3 pm.

The Tuesday afternoon session  (1 to 3 pm) is set aside for our older children to help prepare them for school. Subject to numbers, this can be extended to Tuesday morning sessions. 

Our Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon sessions from 1-3pm are available to all children.


Monday 9 am –3 pm
Tuesday 9 am – 3 pm
Wednesday 9 am –3 pm
Thursday 9 am – 3 pm
Friday 9 am – 1pm


The cost per hour is £6.50 for morning, lunch and afternoon sessions. All children are entitled to 15 totally free hours starting the term after their third birthday. If you are a working parent/guardian and earn on average the equivalent of 16 hours per week at the national minimum wage, you may be eligible for free funding up to 30 hours per week (NB the maximum Marsh Green Pre-school can offer is 28 hours due to opening hours).

Please note that our fee is due to change in January 2025 to £7.00 an hour. 

Some two-year-olds can get up to 15 hours of free childcare each week for 38 weeks a year. If you would like further information on whether your child is eligible for funding, please visit or check with your local children's centre or speak to our manager, Rebecca, at pre-school.

For any families who are not eligible for funding, please see our payment terms here: Marsh Green Pre-school Payment Terms

Any parents/guardians wishing to send their child to the pre-school and who may have financial difficulties should speak in confidence to the manager.


Lunch Club

The children are required to bring a packed lunch which they eat with their friends. We can provide them with water or milk to drink.

Withdrawing Child Or Reducing Hours

Written notice is required if you wish to either withdraw your child or reduce your sessions (regardless of whether fee-paying, government-funded or another method). Failure to provide such notice will result in full fees being charged for the half term for which written notice has not been provided. You will be required to pay within 14 days of the start of that half term period.

Notice Periods Required

Half Term Period

Latest Date To Give Notice
September - October 1st June
October - December 1st September
January - February 1st November
February - April 1st January
April - May 1st March
June - July 1st April